Costigan Lake News

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Welcome to "Da Swamp"
Costigan Lake - June 11 to 18, 2005

Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday

Wednesday, June 15th
Boat crews for today were Brad, Matt and Rich, Gene, George and Vic, and Greg, Pat and Tim.

Fishing was slow with rain during the afternoon, and we were caught a long ways from camp.  George was in Gene's boat and had a good laugh at Brad, Matt and myself who were in his boat.   With the low gunwales we were quickly drenched not only by the rain, but also by the spray coming over the sides.  And there he sat, warm and dry under the convertible top Gene put up on his boat.

It was all made better back at camp when Pat brought out the Mescal bottle.  He and I had some hefty shots and then took turns digging the roasting pit for the next day, which looked fine at the time.  Surprisingly, next morning the pit looked just a little … crooked.  We then had a great supper of steak & fresh water lobster.  It was amazing how Brad made the jackfish taste just like lobster by cooking it in brine, then serving it with butter.  Excellent!
     After supper, Pat decided it was high time we had a christening and name the kitchen tent.  With letter stencils in hand (now, who brings stencils into fish camp?), Pat and Tim went to work and "The Swamp" was born.

Pat had a fright later that night when he went down to the fish cleaning table at dusk.  He was attacked by an unknown creature who was looking for supper in the fish gut pail.  He screamed like a girl and yelled for Brad to bring a stick!  From the way Pat described the attack we figured it was a fresh water seal ... or maybe a mouse.  And here I thought Mescal was liquid courage.  Apparently Pat's high metabolism made it wear off quickly.
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