Costigan Lake News

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Welcome to Costigan Lake 2002
June 16 to 21, 2002

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday

Wednesday, June 19th

Wednesday was notable for three things. First, Chris seemed to be confused about which species qualified for the Pool. He hooked Eddy in the nose! Eddy put up a good fight, but Chris was able to land him eventually. Chris figured 72" was definitely going to win the money, but when he learned Eddy didn't qualify, he released him.

Second, Eddy put an end to the good sport talk by landing a 32" laker, the biggest so far. He declared the only other person besides his wife who got the pleasure of his company would be himself' I hope Eddy takes himself for a nice dinner and drinks before consummating the relationship.

And third, all four Kindersley boys slept in their tent for the first time. Their sleeping bags were all dried out finally after spending an afternoon in the rain on the beach and I guess they were too drunk or tired to be bothered by the snoring.

As good as the fishing was at Costigan, for years the lack of walleye had left many a bit disappointed. So, we decided to head out for Pinehouse Lake on Thursday. One advantage was that we would put 170 km of gravel behind us and be that much closer to home. So, the plan was to fish the morning, then break camp and head out in the afternoon in search of walleye at Pinehouse!

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